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Mountain, we are on our way!

Hotel Lärchenhof in Meransen, South Tyrol.

Start your adventure at 1,414 metres above sea level. Experience mountains from a unique perspective: your own. The opportunities for exploration are infinite. The host, Gerd, will gladly take you to the most beautiful spots of the region on weekly guided hikes. You may, however, also like to explore the rich nature on your own. Should you prefer to enjoy doing nothing at all, our Infinity Terrace with an excellent view of the mountains is the perfect spot for this, as is our

Green Lounge with a spacious lawn to stretch your limbs. Just see for yourself. At the HOTEL OF THE MOUNTAINS, we are happy to help you plan your holiday and share valuable insider knowledge – both in summer and in winter. The latter holds 55 kilometres of piste between 1,400 and 2,500 metres above sea level in store for beginners, advanced levels and professionals. Fun guaranteed! Welcome to Hotel Lärchenhof in Meransen, South Tyrol, the HOTEL OF THE MOUNTAINS.

On the mountain

where happiness awaits.

Off to bed!
Your home in
the mountains.
At home with friends.
Our hearts
leap for heights.
For any occasion:
Mountain adventures
to give away.

Experience mountains,

enjoy life.

We look forward to your visit to the Lärchenhof!

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